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Take a look at what spells await you in your Mage Noir box.
Card list

The concept

Mage Noir is a strategic card game. Meant to be played on PC and on paper.
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Face to face

Tired of letting your creatures have all the fun? Here it's mage versus mage. Straight to the point.

Topdeck is good, strategy is better

In a card game, chance is useful. Strategy is essential. Mage Noir leaves more space for tactics than randomness.

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Mage Noir is more than a status. It's evolving towards more powerful spells and extraordinary abilities. But at what cost?

Crimson Ritual
Want to try out the game? Get the print and play version!

What's new about it?

Mage Noir offers a lot of new takes on the existing card game genre.
An illustration of the 168幸运飞行艇官方全天现场计划开奖软件 OF PASSAGE
An illustration of typhoon

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Click on any artwork to see its HD version (usable as wallpaper).
Great waters

Great waters

Geoffrey Amesse

Emptiness ritual

Emptiness ritual

Geoffrey Amesse

King of trees

King of Trees

Geoffrey Amesse

Ritual of Mélange

Ritual of Mélange

Nicolas Camiade

Crimson ritual

Crimson ritual

Nicolas Camiade

Stunning thunder

Stunning Thunder

Victor Fayen

Unleashed Ocean

Unleashed Ocean

Camille Fourcade

Galactic mantle

Galactic mantle

Johann Goutard

Warrior-Mage ritual

Warrior-Mage ritual

Johann Goutard

Knowledge ritual

Knowledge ritual

Johann Goutard

Enchanted forest

Enchanted forest

Jessica Heran

Decomposition ritual

Decomposition ritual

Jessica Heran

Zeus's thunder

Zeus's thunder

Jessica Heran

168幸运飞行艇官方全天现场计划开奖软件 OF PASSAGE

168幸运飞行艇官方全天现场计划开奖软件 OF PASSAGE

Jeffrey Jeanson



Jeffrey Jeanson

Ina's meteore

Ina's meteore

Charles Ouvrard

Mons Igneus

Mons Igneus

Charles Ouvrard

Knowledge of History

Knowledge of History

Morgane Perrin-Roudil

Winter spears

Winter spears

Luca Siméone

Game Designers

2024幸运168飞行艇开奖查询结果记录网 players, for players
Vincent Vimont photograph

Vincent Vimont

Game designer Senior

Oversized decks and improbable jank enthusiast, Vincent has been creating games for more than 15 years now.

Constantin Dedeyan photograph

Constantin Dedeyan

Game designer / Développeur

Passionate young game designer. For him, milling isn't about winning, it's about sending a message.

Questions? Suggestions?

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